EG DON ANG Plastic surgery clinic

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Gangnam EG DONg AN cosmetic plasti surgery clinic

Porcelain margins Ledger DR. Do Jae Yoon

Chairman Kim Sung-Dong Koen (plastic surgery)

- Member of the Korean Society of obesity and beauty treatment

-Member of Korean Society of obesity (Plastic surgery and dermatology care)

- Member of the Korean Society of obesity

-Member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

- Member of the Korean Society of breast science

-Member of the Korean society for Aesthetic Surgery

-Member of the Korean Society of beauty and Youth Studies

-Member of human skin hair conference 8 years of surgical experience

-Member of Korean medical laser society

Visit for more information:


Gangnam “H” HIFU clinic

Gangnam H clinic ( HIFU- High Intensive focused ultrasound for myoma and adenomyosis)

Gangnam H clinic ( HIFU- High Intensive focused ultrasound for myoma and adenomyosis)


Gangnam H Women’s Clinic

Dr. Ju Pil Je

Korean board of obstetrics gynecology

Member, committee of HIFU task force team, Korean society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (KSOG)

Doctor of Philosophy

Professor of Chongquing Medical University


High Intensive Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

Laparoscopic Operation: Myoma, Adenomyosis, Ovarian Mass

Fetalogy: Fetal Echocardiography

Urogynecology: Urinary Stress Incontinence, TOT

Gynecologic Plastic Operation- Labioplasty, Ant & Post. Colpoperineorrhaphy

Visit for more info:

Sarang Child - Children’s LOVE IVF clinic

Sarang Child - Children’s LOVE IVF clinic

Love and CHILD IVF, Infertility clinic

Member on professional IVF organizations

- Korean society of obstetricians and Gynecologists

- Korean society for assisted reproductive technology

- Korean society of developmental biology

- Korean society of Gynecologic endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery

- American society of reproductive medicine

- European society of human reproduction and embryology

Visit for more information:

Gangnam Jin Hospital

Gangnam Jin Hospital

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Gangnam jin dental and internal disease hospital

We provide clients with a highly qualified TOP services.We have a comprehensive range of medical specialists including Gynecology, Medical health check-ups, Internal medicine and Dental.

visit for more information:


Regen Plastic surgery clinic

Dr Seok -jun Lee

Former Seoul National University professor

Seoul National University Medical College graduate

Intern at Seoul National University Hospital

Plastic surgery specialist at Seoul National University hospital

Plastic surgery professor at Seoul National University hospital
Plastic surgery professor at Seoul National University Hospital Bundang

Seoul National University Plastic surgery advisor